black pearl car paint The removal of emblems can help you complete the vinyl film wrapping process more efficiently and without any hassle.

black pearl car paint

This job can be difficult, especially if you need to remove fragile ones, such as the Ferrari brand name, black pearl car paint which is often stuck to the trunk. You could accidentally scratch the paint or damage the emblem if you don't use the correct approach. black pearl car paint These are some tips to help you. Tools you need Tool for removing plastic You can use wire as a fishing line. Masking tape Precise taping Apply wide masking tape to the emblem before you remove it. This will prevent paint from being scratched accidentally. black pearl car paint To be safe, make sure to run the tape both horizontally and vertically. Remove the emblem You should not immediately remove a fragile emblem such as the one above. It will cause too much pressure and could even cause it to break. It is safer to place the emblem wire under it. Then, you can pull the wire through the emblem side to side. black pearl car paint For Ferrari, you should do this letter by letter. Keep your wire low while you pull.

Car Wrapping

Take it easy The emblem can be loosen by using the wire. black pearl car paint The plastic removal tool can be used now. You can now remove the logo by gently prying from the side. It is important to keep it safe once you remove it. The adhesive residue can be removed from the surface. After the surface is clean, you can begin wrapping without stress. black pearl car paint You can find more wrapping tips at

black pearl car paint